Travel Insurance

Orange Insurances: leading insurer for foreigners in Spain

Travel Insurance

Reisverzekering Orange Insurance

We offer both temporary travel insurance as comprehensive travel insurance for residents in Spain.

Comprehensive travel insurance Spain

Most foreigners who live in Spain tend to travel quite a lot. Some mainly within Spain, others within Europe and others travel around the world.

Travel insurance is easy to forget when planning for flights and hotels. Nevertheless, travel insurance is extremely important. So many things can go wrong during a trip and the costs can be extremely high. The advantage of a comprehensive travel insurance policy is that you pay it once a year and you will be covered for all your trips throughout the year, worldwide

Temporary travel insurance Spain

People who travel less are better off with a separate travel insurance policy for each trip. This is usually cheaper than coverage for the entire year. There are various levels of coverage, so each customer can decide for himself how big the risks are of unforeseen costs. This can vary per country and the type of journey that you have in mind.