B&B Insurance
Insuring a Bed and Breakfast is just a bit different from insuring a normal home.
Where your B&B is a place for vacation for your guests, for you this is your place of income. Due to the big risks of fire, theft and professional liability, it tends to be hard to get insurance for a B&B. And if your B&B is located isolated, it might even be harder. We can offer you a tailor made policy specifically for Bed and Breakfast places in Spain. You can insure both building and content or content only. There are different coverages for professional liability, according to your activities.
Professional liability for a Bead and Breakfast in Spain
Because not every B&B offers the same activities and services, as an owner you can choose which coverage of liability you want to contract.
Every B&B owner needs liability coverage for the building itself. You never know when someone might slip in the shower, drown in the swimmingpool or gets a palmtree on his/her head. If you wouldn’t have a liability coverage, one of those claims might be your financial death.
You can insure liability for food poisoning in case you offer breakfast or liability coverage for typical B&B activities like: walking, mountain biking, horse driving or a trip in a 4X4.
Last but not least, you can cover theft not only of your own content but also your clients assets. Ask us for more information or a quote.